Sparky – A SparkCloud Implementation

thanks to and gui4processing

special thanks to

The program compares word clouds from the last two weeks news. Every (other) day I saves the RSS Feed from world news.

Start the program, it takes a while to load up (there's no inicator that it's loading, other than CPU usage)


You don't want to read the Javadoc - as all classes are in one file it's quite messy.

Instead follow this:

-start the program

-wait for it to count the words in the xml files (yes, that's hard coded)

-the program starts up at the latest time point (the last day)

-use the scroll bar to compare different time points

-the check box allows you to shut off the upscaling (which is done for readability only) of the sparklines. That way, they can be compared directly.

Nicolas Swoboda, 0425828