User Guide


After starting the program, you have to import a graph from an XML file by choosing "Import Graph" from the "File" menu. This file should contain a list of all the edges in the graph. To calculate the enhanced graph press the "Compute" bottom in "Settings" panel on the bottom right corner. To adjust the color and visibility of the resulting graph and intermediate data the "Display" panel can be used. Changing the parameters of the algorithm can be done with the sliders in the "Settings" panel.

The complete configuration can be stored in an XML Settings file by choosing "Save Settings" from the "File" menu. In the same way it is possible to load previously saved settings by choosing "Load Settings" from the same menu.


There are several ways to configure the algorithm. The "Grid Size" controls the level of detail. A small "Grid Size" yields a simpler control mesh and thus a smaller number of control points.

An important part of our algorithm is the Kernel Density Estimator ("KDE"). It is responsible for the calculation of the principal direction within a grid segment. The "KDE Angle" defines the size of each Gaussian Curve in degrees which is used to accumulate the directions of all the edges crossing a grid segment. The "KDE Threshold" defines the minimum probability value for a principal direction to be further processed.

The last parameter, the "Merge Angle", defines the maximum difference between the principal directions of two grid segments to be merged.

(cc) Manuel Keglevic, Thomas Schulz

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