
A bachelor thesis concludes the bachelor studies. It consists of a practical part and a written thesis. The procedure is as follows: 

  • Find a topic and an advisor: open thesis topics and information how to find an advisor if no topic is suitable can be found here. You also have the possibility to do an industry-relevant thesis at the VRVis Research Center. To get an idea what to expect, look at former completed theses here.
  • Submit a workplan for the bachelor thesis, including an approximate time plan. You agree with your supervisor on a final submission deadline. The supervisor then needs to register the thesis in TISS.
  • Have regular meetings with your supervisor to discuss the progress and open issues. 
  • Implementation: in most theses, a piece of software implementing a new algorithm will be created. Use the research unit's GitLab or the TU Wien GitLab and share the repository at least with your supervisor. 
  • Generate results (benchmarks, screenshots, videos, ...)
  • Write a small thesis.
    • The length of the thesis should be between 15 and 25 pages.
    • The structure should be like a thesis (i.e., containing introduction, state-of-the-art, description of method, results, conclusions, and references). 
    • Use the LaTeX template by the faculty.
    • There are hints on writing the thesis text.
    • Be sure to follow the Code of Ethics.
  • Present your thesis results in a regular meeting of our research unit (e.g., the "VisWB"). 
  • Graduate your bachelor studies: see faculty information