Figures - overview - Chapter 6

(image on first page of Chapt. 6)
1082-RealFp.charDirs.jpg, 1083-RealFp.charDirs.2.jpg, 1084-ComplFp.charDirs.jpg
Figure 6.1: density and completeness of information, and amount of quantities, provided through different approaches of dynamical system analysis.
1085-Lorenz.charDirs.jpg, 1086-Lorenz.sphereTufts.jpg
Figure 6.2: Visualizing the flow characteristics near the critical points of the Lorenz system:  (a) CHARDIRS and  (b) SPHERETUFTS.
1087-ComplFp.1.jpg, 1088-ComplFp.2.jpg, 1089-Complex.2.jpg
Figure 6.3: Visualizing a linear system near the critical point with a pair of conjugated complex eigenvalues:  (a) a repellor and  (b,c) two saddles. [left image] [center image] [right image]
Figure 6.4: Visualizing the Lorenz system using CHARDIRS and SPHERETUFTS.
1091-ComplFp.3.jpg, 1092-RealFp.4.jpg, 1093-RealFp.Euler.3.jpg
Figure 6.5: Three different saddle configurations visualized using both the eigen-manifold visualization and bunches of streamlets. [left image] [center image] [right image]