Flow Visualization, LU Visualisierung WS 2006
Martin Knecht, 0326294, martin.knecht#aon.at
Michael Schwärzler, 0325222, michael#schwaerzler.com

Download FlowVisualization06.zip (1,3 MB)

Flow Visualization 2006

"FlowVisualization 2006" was developed in the winter semester 2006 for the LU "Visualisierung" at the Technical University of Vienna. It is a software designed to visualize flow data (weather data, wind tunnel data, etc.).

Technical details: The software was developed in C++/DirectX9. A lot of calculation is done on the GPU using Shaders, so you will need a GPU which supports at least Shader Model 3.

The program uses the flow data to generate three different layers which can be switched on an off: A background texture which maps the data into a texture, an arrow plot, and streamlines.


Arrow Plot:


Using the program

Once the program starts, you will see this screen:

Click the "Load Data" button to load a new data set.

NOTE: You can exit the program anytime by clicking the "Exit" button on the lower right.

NOTE: All windows on the screen can be hidden, so that the rendered results can be watched without any disturbing GUI control. Just click the "Hide" buttons to make them disappear. In order to make them visible again, click the corresponding "Show" buttons.

NOTE: Zoom by pressing and dragging the right mouse button. Move the visualization by pressing and dragging the left mouse button.


Once you have loaded a new data set, the program will automatically activate the background layer:


If you choose Arrows in the layer selection combo box, the interface will change:


By choosing Streamlines in the layer selection combo box, the interface is changed once again:


Some cool renderings we captured: